Relieving Stress...Creatively!

Creative Challenge - Day 1 / Watercolor and India Ink

It's been a creatively-intense few months around here,for a number of reasons (that I still can't share, ugh) and I just needed to break the stress level a little, so I decided to take part in a Creativebug 30 day painting challenge. When my work life gets this way, I  find I have to create something totally unrelated to what I've been working on to get back on track in a healthier (less intense) way. 

The challenge is to create  a quick sketchbook study based on a daily word prompt. The first word was sushi. Using the paints/ink as my drawing medium instead of my beloved pencil, and only giving myself 30 minutes to do it, really forced me to loosen up! I'm going to try to keep up (or catch up!) for the  entire month of June and I'll share my progress as i go along. I like the result of this first prompt and feel more relaxed already. Now... back to work!

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